The Grundy County Health Department is partnering with Cleaver Dermatology to offer free skin cancer screenings.
The screenings will take place on Friday, May 19 from 9:00 am to 12:00 pm at the Grundy County Health Department located at 1716 Lincoln Street in Trenton. This is a screening procedure only. It will not be a full body exam and does not replace a thorough dermatologic exam. During this screening event, a physician will examine specific skin spots that patients have identified as a concern.
What type of skin spots might constitute cause for concern? Check the ABCDEs of skin
cancer detection, look for –
Asymmetrical shape,
Borders that are irregular or poorly defined,
Color that is varied,
Diameter of the spot (greater than a pencil eraser), or
Evolving mole or skin lesion, one that looks different from the rest or is changing in size, shape or color.
If you have a mole or lesion on your skin with one of the ABCDEs, consider having a physician from Cleaver Dermatology take a look at it during our free May 19th skin cancer screening. Those wishing to participate are encouraged to call early to secure an appointment.